Thursday, 4 October 2012

assignment 3

This picture is taken by annie leibovitz. It is inspired by the film Wizard of Oz. This photo is asymetric as the girl and dog are standng to the side. This gives you a feel of the environment they are in. Her face looks shocked/suprised giving you an idea of what she is looking at. Maybe this is the reason why she is standing back. In some cases it can create a dramatic impact on the audience. The contrast of the pink dress against the green vegetation really stands out.


  1. Lauren, what is the photo called and when was it taken? What was it taken for - what was the exhibition or book? You do not have to describe the photo - we can see she is on the left. Do you think it has dramatic impact? It looks so artificial to me that you know she is in no danger - it is just an 'arty' pose from the Wizard of OZ. - and as such it is like a film still.

  2. Lauren what do we mean by composition? You were supposed to create a link to an explanation.
